Please note that not all of the classes listed are running at this time. We have limited our previous schedule because we have committed those days to classes held for adults with special needs. They do not have the opportunities they had prior to the pandemic. We truly appreciate your understanding in this matter.

future fashionistas

Ages 10+

Concentrating on drawing stylized figures, creating designs for fabric, use of colors and accessories, students create a collection concept of their own line of clothing. The intent of this class is to provide a new challenge with every project. Technology is changing at a fast pace requiring new creative skills. Students will have a unique experience and insight into the world of fashion and its many extensions and possibilities for your young fashionistas. There are individual and group projects in which the students learn how to work as a team, sharing ideas.

Imaginations N’ Creations

Ages 6-9

Creative thinking helps artistic talent grow. The ability to come up with great ideas and designs gives every student many possible paths for their future. Nothing can replace imagination when it comes to expressing ideas. We show our young students how to express themselves and how to use the many mediums to get the best results.Learning how to form creative concepts is very important skill that will be useful in many areas. Brainstorming as a class builds creative confidence and cannot be underestimated.

portraits to pikachu

Ages 10+

Our most appreciated classes for teens & Tweens, it is focused on realistic figure drawing as well as styles of manga, anime’ and other self-designed creatures. Lessons include realistic skills in shading, proportion and perspective for architectural, portraits, still life drawings and paintings. Learning and applying critical thinking, students will utilize various media: oil and chalk pastels, ink, watercolor and acrylic paints, charcoal, colored pencils and markers to achieve their unique artworks.